Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So Others Might Eat

Watch the video and read the article! http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/12/15/gif.empty.bowls/

Scott Campbell


Kate MacDowell


Laurel Lukaszewski


Sit Knit Kit Fit Lit Pit Knit Knit Knit


Gisele Ganne


Jan Banning


Cupcake Head

Go Against the Grain

Somewhat Fair Trade Plugs! Buy them!!


My Glass House

Karen Lamonte is a glass artist I first saw at the James Renwick Gallery in DC. What you don't see is most of the dresses have impressions of a woman's figure on the inside as well as the beautiful casted dress on the outside. Her work is amazing! To see more of her work her website is http://www.karenlamonte.com/

"Fluted Dress" shown.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pineapple don't Look like Apples.

Pineapple is my favorite fruit. When most people think of pineapple they only think of yellow, but a pineapple comes in a few more colors and they work to a pineapple buyers advantaage. A pineapple goes through three phases. The Green phase, the Yellow Phase, and the Red Phase.

Many people think that the way to tell if a pineapple is ripe is to pull on of the leaves out of the top of a pineapple. This is extremely false. Looking at the color of the pineapple and taking note of the smell is the way to tell. A green pineapple, although may look pretty, is not the type that you want. Sugar in this fruit is how it ripens well. When a pineapple is green it means that the fruit is not getting enough sugar to ripen correctly. It is good however to have a little bit of green in the pineapple.

The sugar in this fruit comes from the bottom and ripens as it travels up. A ripened, ready-to-eat pineapple should be about half yellow and half green. The lower half should be pretty yellow. The more yellow the better on a pineapple. This means the skin is soaking up a good amount of the sugar and making the insides softer and juicier. A yellow pineapple with a little bit of green skin at the very op is in perfect eating condition.

Lastly there is the red pineapple. This is not the pineapple you want to eat under any circumstances. A pineapple with red skin usually will also have oozing cuts, and brown leaves. This is a rotten pineapple. Red pineapples have had all of their sugar sucked to the surface causing the insides to become white and mushy with a taste like vinegar. Many people do not ever see red pineapples because they are usually never in supermarkets or fresh produce stores because these are the pineapples with the mold.

Many people never know how to tell that a pineapple is ripe or not, they usually just take one that looks good and hope for the best. Truth be hold there is a serious science to finding the best pineapple.

Image found at http://swadofindia.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html.
Information found at http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-if-a-Pineapple-Is-Ripe.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Old Glory

The colors of the American flag have been a sign of patriotism since day one. This is the most prominent symbol of our country in its whole history, but how did these colors come about? The three official colors are Dark Red, White, and Navy Blue.

Dark red is a symbol of many things. In our flag it stands for hardiness and valor. Since our flag was adopted from the Union Jack flag of Great Britain we need to dive into those colors too. The red in the flag of United Kingdom is from St. Georges Cross, which was originally the flag of only England, and St. Patrick's Cross-, the original flag of Ireland before the United Kingdom became one. The red signified the strength of England during their wars.

The white in our flag, many people just see as a filler color but just like the other colors it has just as much meaning. In the Union Jack flag it does not have any meaning but this is not the case for our beloved American Flag. In our country the white does not mean surrender, but it means Purity and Innocence. It shows the beauty of our country in the Innocence of the raw country, when it was settle by Pilgrims. However in the United Kingdom flag, the white X in the center is for the flag of Scotland, which was St. Andrews Cross. This one of the three main components of the British Flag, our father flag.

The last color is that deep Navy Blue. The blue, the most regal color I think, stand for Vigilance, Perseverance, and Justice, Three things that our country is in abundance of. This famous color dates way back. It dates back to the Blue Ensign of Britain's Royal Navy's historic "Blue Squadron". The blue in the flag of Scotland however was a much lighter blue, causing it to be not related to the color in the American Flag.

Many people think that the colors of the flags of the world are just picked at random. This is a huge misconception. They are carefully picked and have a lot of background behind them. Sometimes the color of its flag is what makes the country.

Information from Wikipedia.com
Image from GlobalGallery.com

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If something is red but you can't see it, is it still red?

Many people are misinformed on what color blindness actually is. People who have not had knowledge about this usually jump to the conclusion that it is when people can only see in black and white. That is a serious misconception. Color blindness, or color vision deficiency disorder is when someone is unable to distinguish between colors. Another misconception is that you can only become color blind if you are born with it. This is also untrue. Although the majority of color blindness cases do deal with genetics, it can also happen through damage to the eye, nerve, and brain. It can also be contracted through certain chemical exposure. One thing that is very true about color blindness is that it is most common in males. It is very rare to colorblind female who was born this way.

Color blindness comes in many different forms. The most common red-green hereditary photoreceptor disorders. The two different categories in the red-green hereditary photoreceptor disorders department are Monochromacy and Dichromacy. Monochromacy is the complete lack of ability to distinguish between colors. This usually happens gradually over a period of time. Another kind is Rod Monochromacy. Rod Monochromacy is a non-progressive ability to distinguish colors. Non-functioning retinal cones usually cause this. Light sensitivity and poor vision can cause this type of color blindness. The second type of this disorder is called Dichromacy. This is when one of the three basic color mechanisms in your brain is non-functioning or completely absent. The three types of Dichromacy Color Blindness are called protanopia, deuternopia, and tritanopia. Someone with protanopia sees mostly shades of yellow and blue in a standard rainbow.
Deuternopia causes someone to see tints of yellow and blue in a standard rainbow. Since the most severe of the three is tritanopia it has the biggest effect on the standard rainbow. This disorders causes the individual to see tints and shades of pink and blue instead of red, yellow, green, indigo, and violet. All of the colors seen in all of the types of color blindness are very similar and very hard to determine which is which.

How do you know if you have color vision deficiency disorder? There are many ways for someone to figure out that they are color blind, but the official test is called an Ishihara Color Test. Many people have seen these and I believe everyone has taken them in grade school. These test look like a bunch of colored dots. The dots have a hidden picture in them, usually a number or a letter. The picture or image is done in different color dots, making it easily recognizable for the normal, but for a colorblind eye it is almost invisible.
The Ishihara tests have strategically chosen colors to help identify color blindness. The colors chosen are ones that colorblind people often cannot distinguish between. These test are easy a painless and take less then a minute.

Color blindness is not a deadly disorder. Many people live functioning lives and have color vision deficiency disorder. Color is a beautiful thing and many people do take it for granted, but color blindness is not the end of the world.

All information gathered from different searches on Wikipedia.org.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Color, in a different sense.

So much revolves around color. Whether it's color-coded or pastels or a vibrant color, everything has some kind of connotation in our heads. The biggest thing that sticks out in my head about color is race. I'm not a racist, but I can't help but notice how it is still alive in well in our society. I don't mean in the radicals with their shaved heads or their white sheets. Take a ride on the metro for instance at 7 or 8, a little after rush hour. The cars are still crowded but there are still not many people standing. Take a good look though. You'll notice when the middle aged to older women or men get on the train, if they are white and go sit or stand next to black male or female, the white person automatically clutches their purse or moves their briefcase closer to them. Many people will say "Oh I’m just moving out of people's ways", but there is a huge difference between being considerate and being ignorant. Any person who looks hard enough can tell. Also, the judgment isn't only on people with darker skin. The second a white person with nice clothes steps on the metro, most people automatically assume they are some stuck up rich suburban resident that has never worked for anything. There is so much racial judging on the streets that usually goes unnoticed. Even in the Asian and Muslim communities. On lookers automatically think that Asians are tourists or trying to sell you something cheap, and they think that Muslims are these poor martyrs because people think they are terrorists. Color can be good, obviously especially in the art sense, but sometimes it is the beginning of a lot of people's downfalls. I wish I could say racism is dead, but it is very far from it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The color red has many different meanings. It can remind people of anything from cherries to Satan. The color red has many different social implications. On my journey through Wisconsin Ave on Thursday the 24th my group and I found almost ten completely different things that were significantly red. The first thing we found was a stop sign. This is the first thing most people think of when the color red is mentioned. Stop signs are basically the most common red object that people see. The significance of the color in this situation is to catch the eye and symbolize danger. Stop signs are often at busy intersections and placed where people could be speeding therefore endangering their lives, so the color red catches their attention causing them to slow down and take a look around. The fact that red symbolizes danger in this sense it makes people be more cautious.
The second color red we found was in the Party Store. It was a large Valentine card with a big heart on it. The Heart was completely colored red. In this sense the color red has a social indication of love. Love is almost always associated with the color red. It may be due to the fact that red is a very passionate and vibrant color and love is like a burst of passionate feeling. It also catches attention like the stop sign. The red in the Valentine was practically the same as the shade in the stop sign. Both grabbed our attention very abruptly. The color red is a true attention getter and when something is red it very rarely goes unnoticed.