So much revolves around color. Whether it's color-coded or pastels or a vibrant color, everything has some kind of connotation in our heads. The biggest thing that sticks out in my head about color is race. I'm not a racist, but I can't help but notice how it is still alive in well in our society. I don't mean in the radicals with their shaved heads or their white sheets. Take a ride on the metro for instance at 7 or 8, a little after rush hour. The cars are still crowded but there are still not many people standing. Take a good look though. You'll notice when the middle aged to older women or men get on the train, if they are white and go sit or stand next to black male or female, the white person automatically clutches their purse or moves their briefcase closer to them. Many people will say "Oh I’m just moving out of people's ways", but there is a huge difference between being considerate and being ignorant. Any person who looks hard enough can tell. Also, the judgment isn't only on people with darker skin. The second a white person with nice clothes steps on the metro, most people automatically assume they are some stuck up rich suburban resident that has never worked for anything. There is so much racial judging on the streets that usually goes unnoticed. Even in the Asian and Muslim communities. On lookers automatically think that Asians are tourists or trying to sell you something cheap, and they think that Muslims are these poor martyrs because people think they are terrorists. Color can be good, obviously especially in the art sense, but sometimes it is the beginning of a lot of people's downfalls. I wish I could say racism is dead, but it is very far from it.
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